Welcome to the Middle School Blog! Every other week the Middle School Team will post a classroom update in this space to help parents stay connected to the ongoing learning happening in the middle school hallway.
God Bless,
The Middle School Team
General Updates
1. Thank you for your participation in Parent-Teacher Conferences. The Middle School Team enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to visit with you about your child(ren)!
2. The 6thgrade class would like to invite all our Middle School Families to the Annual 6thgrade Omelet Breakfast this Sunday, October 21st – after the 7am and 9am Masses! All donations from this fundraiser will go towards the 6thgrade class Fleece Blanket Service Project!
3. Remember to check the Middle School Homework Site @ https://sites.google.com/stpiusxschool.org/middleschool
Daily assignments will be update by teachers each afternoon by 4pm!
4. We continue to have great participation in the Pius Academy program so far this year! Thank you to those who have been taking advantage of this great program!
For those interested in attending Pius Academy in the future, it’s offered on Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-3:45pm. Pick up takes place outside the main doors of the school (west doors).
Please note, there will be not Pius Academy on Tuesday, October 9thdue to Parent-Teacher Conferences.
5. Please join us at the Annual 7thgrade Saint Fair onThursday, November 1st(All Saints Day)! The Fair will be held in the Church Martha and Mary Fellowship Hall from 10:30-11:30am.
We hope to see you there!
A note from the Moddle School Team about Iowa Assessments Oct. 22nd-26th:
Hello Parents,
The middle school students will be taking Iowa Assessments next week. We will test every day Monday, October 22, through Friday, October 26. We test each morning in homeroom from 8:15-9:30 except on Wednesday; we will test after Mass from 9:30-11:00. Grades 3-8 test at the same time every day. Students will be given an alternate schedule for those days. Students will have four out of the six core classes on those days along with rotation, exploratory, and WIN time.
We will take breaks while testing. Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack. The snack letter is attached for your reference. Students are also encouraged to bring a water bottle.
On Thursday, October 26, students will be taking the assessments for Math Parts One and Two. Students are allowed to use calculators. Please check with your child to make sure he/she has a calculator to use. Please also check to see that your child has a number 2 pencil for the week.
We appreciate your efforts at home to prepare your child for Iowa Assessments.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
St. Pius X Middle School Teachers